Title: Rosemary’s Baby, by Ira Levin
- Levin graduated from the Horace Mann School and New York University, where he majored in philosophy and English.
- After college, he wrote training films and scripts for television.
Other books include This Perfect Day, The Boys from Brazil, and The Stepford Wives.
Genre: Novel (Horor)
218 pages
Difficulty :
- Language : There are many difficult vocabulary for me such as elephantine, floundered, flourescent, tubing, conscientious, etc.
Complicated sentence: There are some complicated sentence that so difficult to understand like “I don’t see a resemblance at all.”
- Point of view : The third person, flash-progresif plot.
Key elements of the plot
Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse are a young married couple who rent a old apartment in the gothic and splendorous Bramford building in Manhattan.
That evening, Minnie drops by to give them some chocolate mousse--or mouse as she calls it. Rosemary complains of a chalky undertaste, but Guy gets angry over her ingratitude. She eats part of it, and then furtively hides the rest in her napkin. Suddenly feeling disoriented, she passes out and has a nightmare. She feels inhuman brutally rapes her.
She suspects Roman, Minnie and all their all-too-helpful friends are Satan worshipers. Next, Rosemary persuades Dr. Hill to see her. When she reveals her suspicions to him, he seems to take her seriously, and he gives her a sedative to help her sleep, but she is horrified when she awakens and find that Guy and Dr. Sapirstein have arrived to take her back home. Rosemary tries to fight them off and she goes into labor. They have to force her down on her bed, while Sapirstein injects her with something to make her sleep. When she wakes, Guy tells her she has had a boy and that he's fine. But later, Sapirstein tells her that the baby is dead. She knows they have taken the baby, and she thinks they are planning to sacrifice it for one of their rituals.
She sees the baby for the first time, horrified that the baby has strange eyes. "He has his father's eyes," Roman tells her, and the coven tells her that Satan is the baby's father, not Guy. Guy tells her that he made an agreement with the coven to allow them to impregnate Rosemary with the spawn of the Devil in exchange for a successful acting career. At the beginning she was shock, but maternal instincts win out, and the story ends as she looks the baby and sings to him.
- I enjoy to read this novel because this novel told about mystery or satan.
- I didn’t read another book by Ira Levin
- I recommended Rosemary’s baby to read by my classmate because this novel tells the story of a father who sacrifice his son to Satan/devil for his business career.
- My favorite parts of novel
When Rosemary know her baby is not normal or the baby has an eyes’s father she was shock, but maternal instincts win out, and the story ends as she looks the baby and sings to him.
- My favorite characters
Rosemary, because she could accept her baby although her baby was not normal.
- I haven’t experiences like this book
- Large issues that are dealt with this novel is horror/ mystic.
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